La Lisière - Am Waldrand

Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Year: 2010
Runtime: 02:03 min
Description: The Edge "Die Hügel von Beauval" ("The Hills of Beauval") is the name of a new residential estate, which is the home of a closed community: Every detail of the denizens′ lives is taken care of, and the father-like investor is watching closely over his creation. One day, young MD Francois follows a job offer and moves from Paris into this hermetic world in the French province. It doesn′t take long until the neophyte is drawn into a web of subtle power plays and intrigues, for Beauval isn′t the idyllic place it appears to be. For instance, the subculture of local youth is opposing the totalitarian control of the place with bizarre and degrading rituals and dangerous games. Now they try to make the unassuming Francois the target of their actions – with devastating results.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright / Real Fiction Filmverleih (Köln)
Director: Géraldine Bajard
Document type:
Language: de